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Contains - Determine whether a string contains another string

Ends With - Determine if a string ends with another string

Index Of - Find the index of a string within another string

Length - The number of characters in a string

Reverse - Reverse the characters in a string

Split - Split a string into multiple strings based on a separator string

Starts With - Determine if a string starts with another string

Substring - Extract a portion of a string

To Lower Case - Change the case of all characters in a string to lower case

To Upper Case - Change the case of all characters in a string to upper case

Trim - Remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string

Left Trim - Remove whitespace from the beginning of a string

Right Trim - Remove whitespace from the end of a string

Left Pad - Add characters to the beginning of a string

Right Pad - Add characters to the end of a string

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